EDG Reading Room

Ryan Alford Ryan Alford

From a Traditional to Modern Methane Gas Detector Strategy

Natural gas and petroleum industries account for 32% of methane released into the atmosphere each year. Much of that 32% comes from leaks within the system that are not always picked up by a traditional methane gas detector strategy. Coupling traditional and modern strategies will result in higher detection rates.

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), methane, the primary component of natural gas, accounts for over 10% of all greenhouse gasses emitted in the United States. The biggest emitter of methane are the natural gas and petroleum industries which account for 32% of methane released into the atmosphere each year. Much of that 32% comes from leaks within the system that are not always picked up by a traditional methane gas detector strategy. 

With methane being linked to over a million premature deaths per year and having a global warming potential 84 times higher than CO2 over the next 20 years, detecting methane leaks both upstream and midstream is more necessary than ever. Unfortunately, many operators still only rely on outdated monitoring systems such optical gas imaging (OGI) whose effectiveness is highly dependent on the equipment used and the expertise of the surveyor. However, there are modern methods of methane detection that, when coupled with traditional methods, can have a significant impact on how quickly a leak can be detected.

What are the Traditional Methane Gas Detector Methods?

First promoted by the EPA in 1981 and later codified into state and federal law, Method 21, or M21, was the primary strategy for detecting methane leaks for many years. However, while it is considered relatively precise, M21 has shown to be an incredibly resource-intensive process. Because it requires the inspectors to physically touch, document, and inspect each leak, on average, an experienced inspector will only be able to monitor around 300 valves per a day. With a single plant or refinery containing thousands of valves, along with connectors and pumps, relying on M21 as the only means of detection would require each location to have an entire team of inspectors to monitor for leaks.

To overcome the limitations that M21 posed, optical gas imaging was developed. As the only EPA-approved alternative to M21, OGI requires surveyors to use a highly specialized thermal infrared camera as a methane gas detector. The camera, which uses a specialized spectral filter to filter to the 3.2 to 3.4 μm spectra band where hydrocarbons are visible, is able to visualize the typically invisible gas. This has been shown by studies to detect leaks 9 times faster than the equivalent M21 method. Because of its effectiveness and speed, OGI has become the primary leak detection and repair method for managing methane and other volatile organic compounds (VOC) in the oil and gas industry. 

How Effective is OGI?

Because of the advantages of OGI, it has been considered to be the most efficient and effective methane gas detector method in use. However, while OGI can be very effective in detecting methane leaks, a study released in 2020 showed its effectiveness was highly dependent on the experience level of the surveyor. An experienced surveyor, the study showed, was more likely to use multiple viewpoints or make various adjustments that improved their leak detection rate.

Surveyor experience isn’t the only factor that determines how effective OGI can be; things like air turbulence, equipment quality, or even equipment settings can have a significant impact on its success. On top of this, OGI effectiveness is also reliant on surveys being conducted at oil and gas infrastructure such as compressor stations, well heads, boosting stations, refineries, processing plants, and distribution facilities on a regular basis. While the EPA released a regulation in 2016 recommending that surveys be conducted quarterly or bi-annually, this leaves a lot of time in between for leaks to go undetected.

Building a Modern Methane Monitoring Strategy

With the intermittent nature of traditional methane gas detector methods, there are often months between surveys which allow any leaks that go undetected by methods such as M21 or OGI to pour methane into the atmosphere. The longer a leak goes undetected, the bigger the consequences. A study released in 2018 found that the U.S. oil and gas industry had a leak rate of 2.3% which dwarfed the EPA’s estimate of 1.4%. This leak rate resulted in over 13 million metric tons of methane being released into the atmosphere each year, accounting for an estimated $2 billion lost because of leaks. That amount of natural gas could fuel 10 million homes. These leaks not only cause immense damage to the earth’s ecosystems but also cost companies millions of dollars a year in lost profits. 

Because of the weaknesses in intermittent monitoring, many oil and gas businesses are looking for a way to continuously monitor their systems for leaks so they can identify leaks as they occur. One continuous methane gas detection method involves using remote fixed point sensors in key locations to detect leaks. By using fixed point sensors, companies are able to more quickly detect and repair leaks early, reducing their overall environmental impact while increasing worker safety and profits. 

Continuous monitoring isn’t the only benefit of using remote sensors to detect methane leaks. While traditional methods like OGI are reliant on things such as the weather, location of the sun, or the experience of the surveyor to ensure accurate results, remote monitoring is less susceptible to these limitations. Perhaps the largest concern is understanding wind speed and direction, but this data can be incorporated using an anemometer. You also have the benefit of gathering extensive historical data. Traditionally with OGI-only monitoring, access to data has been limited to what can be kept on an SD card. With remote sensors, this data can be stored locally or in the cloud, allowing for complete access to all the raw sensor data you have collected.

Mixing the New with the Old

Ensuring that your company is utilizing the most efficient and advanced methods for detecting methane gas leaks is important not only to your bottom line but to the future of our planet. However, it’s important to remember that no one method will be 100% effective, so it’s important to not put all of your eggs in one basket. Instead, by investing in both traditional methane gas detection methods, like OGI and M21, along with modern methods such as fixed point gas sensors, you can ensure that you are catching and fixing leaks as quickly as possible.

Feature EDG's Solution Traditional OGI Handhelds
24/7 Continuous Monitoring Yes No : OGI handhelds operate similarly to a camera, and only respond when a button is pressed or a trigger is pulled.
Immunity to Weather Yes * No : Devices using infrared technology are affected by moisture, which can result in false negatives when operating in windy conditions or during precipitation such as rain, snow, or fog
Consistent Measurements Yes No : OGI handhelds require manual operation, and are prone to directional inconsistencies. Not only must they be pointed directly at the source, but objects in the background such as the sun or reflections can adversely effect measurements.
100% Remote Operation Yes No : OGI handhelds require a person to be on site
Accuracy Yes No : OGI handhelds require a person to be on site. Data is usually stored to an SD memory card, or similar removable device, and is not available to the team until it is uploaded to a centralized location.
Historical Access to Data Yes No : Handhelds are limited to the amount of data that can be stored on an SD memory card, or similar removable storage device.
* OGI surveyor recommended

In order to build the right system that can help reduce the impact that leaks have on your business, you need the right tools. That’s where EDG comes in. From the hardware to software to the cloud infrastructure required to manage it all, EDG’s IoT solutions give you the tools you need to continuously monitor your oil and gas systems between scheduled surveys. 

Learn more about EDG’s remote IoT monitoring solution or contact us today to start building your continuous monitoring platform.

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Ryan Alford Ryan Alford

How We Address One of the Biggest IoT Connectivity Challenges

Cellular connectivity can be interrupted by many different events such as severe weather or cyberattacks. What we need to focus on is equipping our customers for these IoT connectivity challenges before they crop up.

Beginning on February 22, 2022, AT&T began phasing out its 3G network. This was a significant event for us since a majority of our cellular IoT gateways in northeast Wyoming had been using AT&T towers for most of 2021 and into February 2022. A small number of them, about 10%, utilized T-Mobile towers, but the overwhelming majority consistently used AT&T’s towers to transmit data. As the end of February approached, we watched them very closely to ensure there were no interruptions, and sure enough, on February 28th, we saw that AT&T’s towers dropped about 90% of our devices. 

Fortunately, these devices were able to seamlessly switch to T-Mobile, with only about 10% able to remain with AT&T. Sometime after this event, the majority of our gateways in that area eventually reverted back to AT&T. While this event thankfully had no negative impact on our services, it does highlight the ongoing nature of the cellular IoT connectivity challenges the industry faces. 

Cellular IoT Connectivity

It’s difficult to know if the discontinuation of 3G is related at all to the connectivity changes we experienced soon after. Perhaps during the phase-out of 3G, a firmware update at the tower, or even multiple updates, were required. Unless proper provisions were in place, it’s possible that during a firmware update, our modem or SIM was unable to connect to the AT&T network, resulting in the temporary switchover to T-Mobile. 

The ‘why’ isn’t really the point, though; cellular connectivity can be interrupted by many different events such as severe weather or cyberattacks. What we need to focus on is equipping our customers for these IoT connectivity challenges before they crop up. 

IoT Connectivity Challenges: Coverage & Availability

One of the most persistent challenges is related to coverage and network availability. Anybody who has ever owned a smartphone knows just how much network availability varies, even over small distances, and provider-generated coverage maps are infamously unreliable. If you require your IoT monitoring systems to work in remote areas, how are you supposed to guarantee connectivity? 

Traditionally, users have been limited to the constrictions of the commercial networks available in the areas where they need to deploy systems. If your system required cellular IoT to transmit data, you first needed to understand exactly which towers you had available to you in the region. However, even knowing that AT&T or T-Mobile claim to cover the area, you simply couldn’t know for sure until you performed an on-site test. This required buying SIM cards from multiple cellular providers, traveling out to the location(s) devices will be deployed, and testing them to see which SIM cards worked and which ones didn't. 

Once you discovered which carriers offered the best coverage for your devices, all you could do was hope that no interruptions occurred that would prevent your systems from successfully connecting to the network. 

Achieving Multi-Carrier Redundancy

At EDG, it was important that we address the IoT connectivity challenges mentioned above. And so, our cellular IoT gateways leverage a special soldered-down SIM that is capable of supporting multiple Tier 1 global networks with automatic network failover. This has created convenience on multiple levels.

From a usage perspective, this SIM provides connectivity and redundancy while allowing our cellular IoT gateways to have a degree of self-awareness. An excellent demonstration of this can be seen in the switch, or “failover”, from AT&T to T-Mobile (and back) we discussed earlier. This switch happened without any intervention by our engineers or the customers who purchased these devices. Most importantly, it allowed our gateways to transmit data to the cloud giving our customers a seamless experience without downtime. 

On the technology side of things, this also helps our customers get up and running more quickly. With the SIM technology we utilize, our cellular gateways "just work" so long as there are cellular towers within reach. You only need to purchase one SKU from EDG, and it will be ready to use automatically, so long as the region in which you plan to use it has supported Tier 1 networks. In the United States, AT&T and T-Mobile are the big two, but Union Telecom and Alaska Wireless are also supported. 

This single SKU approach to cellular IoT eliminates pains commonly experienced when managing network-dependent SIM cards for a large group of devices. Traditionally, customers would have to keep a stack of removable SIMs that are supported in particular locations, and then install them on the devices that are going to those locations. Once at the install site, a connectivity issue could result in the technician swapping out the SIM for one of a different network. You can imagine a scenario where data associated with a SIM is mismatched to the wrong device because of a manual logging error.

Since EDG’s SIMs are soldered down, they are permanently attached to our gateways, so our customers don't have to deal with these manually introduced errors. Further, soldered-down SIMs are a robust solution for rugged applications, as vibrations from equipment can adversely affect the electrical connection of a socketed SIM card.

Your Solution to the Biggest IoT Connectivity Challenges

Cellular IoT technology has taken off in recent years, and wide adoption has exposed new IoT connectivity challenges. EDG's integration of soldered-down SIMs with failover is just one of the ways we are proactively tackling these challenges. 

EDG’s cellular IoT gateways work anywhere with Tier 1 Network coverage. No configuration is required, and multi-network support eliminates the need to test multiple SIM cards. They are ready to use immediately after power-up. To guard against wear and tear, a rugged polycarbonate enclosure option ensures hardware is protected from damage caused by environmental conditions such as ice, rain, or wind. And, we automatically deploy over-the-air (OTA) security updates to each unit without application interruption. In short, EDG offers our customers a secure, reliable, and scalable IoT solution. 

If you’ve experienced your own challenges getting your IoT systems off the ground, reach out to EDG today. Our team is ready to help you harness the convenience and flexibility of cellular IoT.

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Peter Renzi Peter Renzi

The Quest for Responsibly Sourced Gas

The challenge many companies face in the pursuit of producing more responsibly sourced gas is understanding where the weak points in their operations exist. Only then can a company shore up their infrastructure and prevent future methane leaks from occurring.

The oil and natural gas industry is unsurprisingly the largest industrial source of methane gas emissions in the US—emitting more methane on its own than the total emissions of all greenhouse gasses from 164 countries combined, according to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). In recent years, this exorbitant high emission rate has driven consumers, investors, and government agencies alike to put the oil and gas industry under increased scrutiny. From upstream production through midstream transport, there’s more attention being given to responsibly sourced gas production than ever before. 

On the part of oil producers and their customers, the utility companies, they’re eager to embrace the idea of responsibly sourced methane gas. Not only would cleaner production help us meet emissions-reduction goals, branding even some of a company’s output as “responsibly sourced” is a huge draw for investors. The challenge you face in your pursuit of producing more responsibly sourced gas is understanding where the weak points in your operations exist. Only then can you shore up your infrastructure and prevent future methane leaks from occurring. 

Methane Leak Monitoring: Intermittent Vs. Continuous 

Throughout the oil and gas supply chain, methane leaks have likely been underestimated in the past. This is largely due to insufficient monitoring requirements. Even today, companies can go out once every few months and monitor for potential leaks with a handheld Optical Gas Imaging (OGI) device, and that is considered satisfactory. However, this practice of intermittent monitoring fails to quickly identify fugitive leaks and allow you to resolve them in a timely manner. 

Continuous monitoring, on the other hand, allows companies to significantly reduce the amount of methane emissions they’re releasing into the atmosphere by identifying leaks when they happen. When leaks are caught early and repaired quickly, not only does this lead to cleaner production, it saves companies millions of dollars. 

A recent report from the Environmental Defense Fund and Carbon Mapper found that, for the last three years, around thirty oil and gas facilities across the Permian Basin in Texas and New Mexico are responsible for emitting the equivalent annual climate pollution of half a million cars. Repairing the leaks at these facilities would save around $26 million in escaped natural gas. 

From a due diligence standpoint, continuous leak monitoring is the best choice if you want to produce more responsibility sourced gas, but it’s not necessarily the easier choice. In order to reap the benefits of this practice without overextending your resources, you need to think about leak monitoring strategically. 

Where Should You Monitor? 

To understand where you need to monitor your operations for methane leaks, you must first determine why equipment leaks in the first place. In general, we can categorize leaks in three ways: those caused by poor design, those caused by human error, and those caused by super emitter events. 

Poor Design: 

These are the instances in which human interference cannot be blamed for a malfunction. Sometimes, pieces of equipment and their components simply have a faulty design that results in more frequent leaks. An excellent example of this is pneumatic controllers (also called pneumatic devices). These components were installed decades ago to control the flow rate of oil and gas lines. The technology used at the time was ultimately a cheap, quick fix, and the result now is that they leak constantly and require replacement. Other sources of leaks that can be blamed on poor design include compressors and the drivers for compressors. 

Human Error: 

As long as we have human beings working in the oil and gas industry, the risk of accidents and mistakes will always be present. Whether workers don’t understand or properly follow the established procedures, or a piece of equipment isn’t properly maintained, the consequences of human error should always be of concern. Overtorqued bolts on flanges, improperly installed disk gaskets, and worn down O-rings that were never replaced are just a few examples of human errors that could result in leakage. 

Super Emitter Events

Super emitter events are site-based leaks that emit large volumes of methane into the atmosphere over a period of time. According to a recent study, super emitter events represent 8-12% of global methane emissions from oil and gas operations. Sometimes, these episodic events happen by design (condensate flashing, liquids unloadings, etc.), but these intentional events alone could not explain the frequency of super emitter events. Therefore, we have to assume that abnormal process conditions, such as malfunctions caused by poor design or human error, are responsible for at least some super emitter events. 

Super emitter events can occur anywhere throughout oil and gas production and transmission, but they most often occur around storage vessels, well completions, casinghead ventings, and liquids unloading. 

Creating a Strategy for Continuous Monitoring 

The continuous monitoring strategy you employ will differ based on the size of your operations and the resources you have available to dedicate to this undertaking. While large operators have the means to monitor a multitude of upstream and midstream locations, smaller operators may need to be more strategic to ensure monitoring efforts have the most impact. If you’re a small driller, pick out key areas—places with poor design, where mistakes or accidents are most likely to cause leaks, or where super-emitting events are known to occur. These are the locations that will most benefit from leak monitoring sensors. Also, keep in mind that the best solution will leverage a mix of technologies, and will alert technicians to assess the cause and scope of the leak.

When it comes to the sensors themselves, you’ll want to utilize a combination of point sensors and open path sensors. A point sensor will pick up a gas when the molecules encounter it, such as when the wind blows it in the sensor’s direction. You can place point sensors both downwind and upwind of a desired location. While more costly, adding point sensors at multiple heights can be helpful to ensure upward-emitting plumes are not missed by lower point sensors. A pair of open path sensors use a laser to catch the gas as the wind carries it and can be especially useful to monitor methane gas escaping the site’s perimeter, acting as a fall-back to leaks missed by the point sensors due to the wind.

Finally, a monitoring solution is equipped with an anemometer to obtain the speed and direction in which the wind is moving at the time of each methane reading. This provides insight as to which point sensor is nearest to the leak, allowing technicians to begin their assessment. Understanding wind direction is an important aspect of continuous methane monitoring, as a point sensor installed next to a junction may provide a low reading if there is no barrier preventing the wind from blowing the methane away from the sensor. 

Unless you’re planning to set up the entire system of methane sensors all at once, you’ll also need a system capable of scaling as you expand your monitoring efforts. At the center of EDG’s continuous methane monitoring solution is our Methane Monitoring Unit (MMU). Each MMU is equipped with a cellular IoT gateway, Li-Ion smart battery charger, and anemometer. The MMU uses a WirelessHART® receiver to monitor a local array of fixed point methane sensors. Any number of MMUs can be monitored through the EDG Client Portal dashboard regardless of their location, and additional MMUs can be onboarded at any time. Similarly, the array of point sensors monitored by a single MMU can easily be expanded.

Once your point sensors are set up, activating continuous methane monitoring is as simple as flipping a switch on each MMU. The cellular IoT gateway within will lock to the strongest available network connection, and sensor data from the fixed point sensors and anemometer will begin to transmit to the EDG Client Portal at user-defined intervals. On the Client Portal’s dashboard, you’re able to monitor wind direction and wind speed at the MMU over time, allowing you to track methane plumes back to the coordinates of individual sensors. This combined data will be at your fingertips in its raw unmodified format, and will help your technicians quantify the size, concentration, and location of a leak. Harness the true power of continuous monitoring by setting up SMS and email alerts in the Client Portal, allowing your team to quickly respond to methane leaks.

The path to more responsibly sourced gas begins with a commitment to continuously monitoring for methane leaks. And with EDG, continuous monitoring can finally be quick, easy, and reliable. Learn more about EDG’s remote IoT monitoring solution or contact us today to start building your continuous monitoring platform.

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Ryan Alford Ryan Alford

Utilizing IoT in a Methane Gas Monitoring System

After CO2, methane (CH4) is the largest contributor to global warming, and one of the largest sources of methane emissions comes from leaks originating from oil and gas operations. This article explores the benefits of utilizing IoT in a methane gas monitoring system, allowing you to manage sensors distributed over remote areas, retain and centralize data, and target infrastructure and pipeline repairs.

After CO2, many are surprised to learn that methane (CH4) is the largest contributor to global warming. Its unique qualities, such as high heat-trapping potential and relatively short lifespan in the atmosphere, mean that cutting methane emissions can have an outsized impact on the trajectory of the world's climate in the short-term. One of the largest sources of methane emissions in the US actually comes in the form of leaks originating from oil and gas operations. In 2020, it was estimated that there were 630,000 leaks in US natural gas distribution mains (that’s 30% of all methane emissions in the US). 

For the first time, the US is taking steps to address the eyebrow-raising amount of methane released into the atmosphere via leakage. The Environmental Protection Agency has announced it intends to limit the methane coming from roughly one million existing oil and gas rigs across the United States. At the center of its proposal are requirements for oil and gas operators to aggressively detect and repair methane leaks. Specifically, the proposal will require companies to: 

  • Ban the venting of methane produced as a byproduct of crude oil into the atmosphere

  • Require upgrades to equipment such as storage tanks, compressors, and pneumatic pumps

  • Monitor 300,000 of their biggest well sites every three months

It’s more vital than ever for oil and gas companies to implement a methane gas monitoring system, if you haven’t done so already. And, even if you have, there are still many opportunities to improve upon your current data collection processes and equipment used. Below, we explore the benefits of utilizing the Internet of Things (IoT) in a monitoring system, allowing you to manage sensors distributed over remote areas, retain and centralize data, and target infrastructure and pipeline repairs.

IoT in a Methane Gas Monitoring System

There is no one-size-fits-all methodology for methane gas monitoring. In Colorado, the first state to regulate methane from the oil and gas industry, companies have been incentivized to innovate on this front since 2014. In the past, operators have used super-cooled cameras to film equipment (also known as optical gas imaging, OGI), flown drones over oil and gas sites to detect leaks in the area, and even employed long-range lasers in the hunt for methane leaks. IoT is simply another example of innovation, one that has a lot of benefits for both companies and regulators. An IoT methane gas monitoring system can act as an alternative to the aforementioned methods on its own, but it can also act effectively in conjunction with these monitoring solutions, as well.

Data Collection

Many methods for collecting data on methane leakage require personnel to be present at the site and/or actively carrying out measurement procedures. For example, aerial surveillance using drones, planes, and satellites is used to scan for leaks, methods that require time and financial investment, and are most helpful in detecting emissions from large point sources. When used on their own, issues translating atmospheric data into actionable intelligence to see what’s happening on the ground may arise, as well. For that reason, it’s smart to employ multiple methods for leak detection in tandem with one another, and an IoT-based platform is equipped to interface with your current leak detection and repair (LDAR) methodologies.

IoT sensors are installed on-site, and can include a mix of fixed point methane sensor transmitters and open path (laser-based) methane detectors. Together, they remotely monitor methane emissions and send this data back to a central management console at regular intervals to be analyzed. Being more passive, this form of data collection eliminates the risk of human error in the process. OGI, for instance, requires highly experienced surveyors who are very familiar with the equipment to get the most accurate readings. Remote IoT sensors do not face this challenge and can be a great asset in compiling a reliable database. 

Documentation of data related to leak detection also remains free of the risk of simple human error. In an IoT system, information is transmitted to the cloud via a cellular control system, and retained in a single, digital location without the need for anyone to physically visit a site or manually record data.  IoT sensors could also monitor other environmental conditions such as wind speed and direction, data that will be vital from a public safety standpoint. 

Data Retention and Centralization 

As guidance and regulations continue to evolve regarding LDAR procedures, your ability to retain and save data in its raw, unmodified form will become increasingly important. With the implementation of robust IoT cloud infrastructure, data from many disparate sources can be unified into a central database. When you’re able to eliminate data fragmentation, standardize data collection, and sustainably generate readings over time, the rate of accurate leak detection increases, more strategic decisions can be made about where and when to make repairs, and your company’s overall progress can be tracked (whether it be for regulatory reasons or internal reasons). Overall, maintaining a database will make compliance much easier for your company in the long run. 

Targeting Repairs

When methane leaks are detected on site, regulators will outline procedures necessary to fix them. This could require equipment to be shut down and operations to pause, so it’s extremely important that leaks were correctly detected and reported initially. The benefit of an IoT-based methane gas monitoring system is that it decreases the number of human touchpoints, meaning data can be easily tracked from collection to transmission to analysis, and operators can have a higher level of confidence in the identification of leaks and targeting of repairs. 

Retaining a database of methane leakage data also allows operators to better understand where leaks typically occur and which components present the largest risk. Tanks, for example, have been known to be a common culprit for leaks, and they may need to be subjected to increased monitoring. This knowledge can only be ascertained with detailed recordkeeping conducted over time, something difficult to accomplish with more traditional methods of LDAR. Of course, in the immediate period following repairs, a methane gas monitoring system is still critical to ensure a leak hasn’t redeveloped. So, at every stage of LDAR, you’ll reap the benefits of implementing an IoT solution. 

EDG Has the Tools & Technology to Reduce Methane Gas Leaks

It’s important to invest the time, energy, and resources into LDAR procedures to ensure you’re doing it right the first time and complying with regulations. If the oil and gas industry in the US can successfully eliminate fugitive methane emissions, it will go a long way towards combating the effects of climate change globally in the short term. (After all, North America is responsible for 25% of all methane emissions in the world.)

To create the most reliable, accurate and user-friendly methane gas monitoring system, EDG has developed a complete, end-to-end IoT solution. From the hardware to the cloud infrastructure to the software you use to manage it all, EDG’s technologies put data at your fingertips. If you’re interested in learning more, would like to speak to an expert, or are ready to utilize remote sensors in your monitoring process, contact EDG today! We’d love to hear from you.

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Ryan Alford Ryan Alford

Abstracting IoT Security Away from the User

A secure IoT solution must consider all aspects of the system from the sensor to the user. This includes everything from hardware, firmware, and any application software which allows the user to access their data. While any reputable IoT platform is designed with security as a priority, breaches can still occur as a result of user error during complex device configuration steps.

A secure IoT solution must consider all aspects of the system from the sensor to the user. This includes everything from hardware, firmware, and any application software which allows the user to access their data. While any reputable IoT platform is designed with security as a priority, breaches can still occur as a result of user error during complex device configuration steps.


Traditional IoT platforms are marketed directly to engineers, and usual require users to be knowledgeable in gateway configuration, firewalls, data encryption, and in some cases updating and patching their devices to ensure their system is secure for the lifetime that the product is deployed. Further, some systems require the customer to purchase a third party hardware controller to transmit their data from the sensor to the cloud. While there are many advantages of storing data in the cloud, each party brought into the datapath adds additional layers of cybersecurity risk.

EDG’s end-to-end IoT platform provides security for the full datapath from the sensor to the user. Over-the-air (OTA) security updates are provided to our devices automatically without any user intervention, and without interrupting the user’s application. Because our devices transmit data directly to the EDG Client Portal, users simply need to log in to view their dashboard or download their data. This abstracts complex gateway configuration, firewalls, and data encryption responsibilities away from the user, and allows them to focus on analyzing their data.

EDG’s solution is available off-the-shelf, and our security updates are automatic without your involvement. We’ll ship our systems preconfigured to read from your sensors. You’ll simply apply power, and data will be automatically transmitted to the EDG Client Portal. If you can log into a website, you are ready to use our platform. And you’ll have full confidence that our system is secure because there are no third party components you’ll need to configure.

Contact us today, and let’s bring your project to life.

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